
Why I didn't bike today

Call me a wimp. Call me a baby. I am both. The unseasonably warm weather is gone. The high for today is 43 degrees with a chance of snow flurries. I was going to commute to work by bike today but did not.

The failure doesn't stop here. The other excuses I have for not riding my bike are:
  • I have a head cold or a really bad case of allergies.
  • I have to run at lunch today, I'm training for the 25K distance in the Fifth Third River Bank Run and I need to run at lunch. I have to run at least 4 miles and I didn't feel like packing extra clothes or figuring out how to haul my gym bag with me. I will have to take a shower after I run. Luckily, where I work, we have showers...thus the need for my gym bag, shampoo, etc. 
  • I have a professional dinner meeting after work from 5-8pm. The clothing issue looms again, and will it be too dark for me to ride home? Will the temperature plummet to freezing?
So on top of it being too cold for me, I felt overwhelmed by all that I have to do today. I can't even begin to imagine all the changes of clothes I would have had to have packed to be a bicycle commuter today.

Is being too busy a good enough reason not to ride my bike?  Am I just a lazy American?  I think the key to bicycling more often is preparation and organization. I failed today.

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